What a beast of a month February was! I got to feed an otter snacks, attended a fabulous Galentine's brunch and filed and paid all of my taxes two months ahead of schedule (yes, I do feel awesome about that!)

I got to tour some gorgeous new venues, lost at an escape room by :30 seconds, played Pool Soccer and caught up on one of my favorite new animes. I got another Tuesdays Together and Mastermind meeting under my belt and had a really educational conversation with the VITA volunteer who helped me prepare my taxes (looove learning the correct way to do things!). I saw one of my best friends from high school get married and had tea with my Nana. I also went on an unexpected Wine-filled afternoon with Risa James Events and got some super cute new headshots courtesy of the talented Allexa Crosson Photography!

becoming a Reluctant Cat Mom

But by far the biggest adjustment to my life thanks to February has been becoming a Reluctant Cat Mom. On Damonā€™s birthday we added the newest member of our family: our new grey tabby kitten Shadow! And if you want to hear all about how I surprised Damon with this adorable little beast you can read the blog here!

I am not a Cat Person by any means. I grew up with a ā€œlone rangerā€ type of cat who lived outside, did not like pets, cuddles or playing with toys and letā€™s just say that Lizzy and I did not get along. (However in her much older age now sheā€™s gotten a lot softer and enjoys sleeping in bed with me whenever I visit my parentā€™s house).

But really dogs have always held my heart. Rotties, labs, huskies, bulldogs, pitbulls. But to be dating a man whoā€™s one and only love is cats? That turned the tables a little bit. The house Damon and I are renting only allowed one type of animal: cats, so I had to admit for Damonā€™s sake, I was open to the idea of adopting one despite my previous bad experiences.

So adjusting to really owning a cat for the first time in my life that loves people and loves to play and run around all day has been quite the change! I donā€™t know how cats (let alone kittens) function, and am generally unaware of the rules with owning them as I was very young and had had a totally different experience with our cat Lizzy.

I find my legs and toes being constantly bitten, camera bags chewed on (heā€™s teething) and woken up in the middle of every night, yet I experience constant joy and entertainment by Shadowā€™s side. Iā€™d never had a cat curl up in my lap before either and the first time Shadow did that one afternoon while I was watching Netflix my heart just about melted straight into the ground.

Shadow got his name because he is grey, he is extremely quiet and follows people everywhere. In fact, this is how he came to be shut into the kitchen cupboards one evening our first week with him- we went in to get some snacks and didnā€™t see or hear him go in. (We heard meows and realized a half hour later where heā€™d gone hahah at least he was in the cupboard with the kitten food).

So yes, adjusting to Cat Mom life has been frustrating but also extremely joyful. Still not sure Iā€™m totally a cat person (cats are too devious for me), but Iā€™m working on it!

In-between Shadow came the normal wear and tear of February including portrait shoots, editing, blogging and gearing up for Wedding Season. Headshot swaps and coffee dates with photog friends, not to mention the glorious ā€œFoolā€™s Springā€ weather weā€™ve been having and ever-so-slightly longer and longer days before the sun goes down. (Later portraits sessions, everybody!!) *dances like crazy*


BOOK OF THE MONTH: Bang by Barry Lyga

TV SHOW OF THE MONTH: Queer Eye (Iā€™ve literally cried at every single episode)

FAVORITE PART OF FEBRUARY: Feeding an otter and getting the new kitty!


MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO NEXT MONTH: Daylight Savings starting. And my birthday!